of judgingon Thursday, which
allowedus timeto wanderaround
the ornategardensand parklandsof
Blenheim.Then,in an unforgetta-
ble part of the SalonPrivépackage,
all concoursentrantswereinvited
to a formaldinnerin one of the
stateroomsof the palace.First,to
get in the mood,we tookcham-
pagnein the LongLibrary. Almost
200 feet in lengthand 32 feet high,
this immenseroomcontainssome
20,000books,witha galleryto
allowaccessto the highershelves.
At one end thereis a four-manual
church organ, at which a steal thy
figureprovidedthe fittingaural
accompanimentof Bach’sTo ccata&
Fuguein D minor.
Havingsat unprotectedon the
concoursfield all night,the Bentley
was verywet fromovernightrain
on judgingday,but 10 minuteswith
a chamoisdealtwiththat,whilethe
meticulousminionsgot on with
attendingto the others.In due
coursethe judgesfor our class
and FIVA presidentPatrickRollet.
Theywentcarefullyfromcar to car,
spendinga longtimeon boththe
Delahayeand the Voisin, and then
they poredoverthe Lagonda.
Whentheygot to me theywere
courteousbut serious,with probing
and verywell-informedquestions.
M. Philippsenseemedto appreci-
ate someof my car’ s details: the
completetoolkitandthe fitted
luggage,and the correctperiod
licencedisc thatI like to display
nowthatwe no longerneedto
showa currentone.But soonthey
had movedon, and I was sure that
the top threein the class weregoing
to be, in no particularorder, the
Lagonda,the Voisin and the Dela-
haye– and richlydeserved,too.
ThenI closedup the Bentley’s
roofbecauseI felt a few spotsof
rain,and spentthe next threehours
rest of the concourscars.Special
Saoutchik Ta lbotLagoT26and
DavidBeck’s delectable(andclass-
winning)FerrariLusso.I stood
mesmerised for longminutesin
frontof the surrealFerrariDaytona
car that I had seenin picturesback
in the day, but neverin the metal.
You can see moreof it on page132.
Backat my car mid-afternoon,
I was astonishedto see a rosettehad
beenput on the Bentley’s wind-
screen,whichmeantthatI had
beenplacedin the class.Rosettes
werealso on the Delahayeand the
Lagonda. So it seemed that I must
Thenthe rosette-wearingcars
werecalledforward,andI was
directedintothe slowlymoving
queuebehindthe Lagondaand the
Delahaye.As we nearedthe frontof
the line I heardover the loudspeak-
ers the headof the judgingpanel,
Lagondawas third...the Delahaye
was second...andthen,dumb-
founded,I was rollingforwardto
the judges’ table, Andrew Bagley
was presentingme witha trophy,
Derekwas handingover a magnum
of Pommery, a posseof photog-
raphersweresnappingand flashing
away, and Lord Bamford and Rich-
ard Adatto,whowas representing
me. It was heart-warmingto realise
that someotherpeople,and inter-
nationalexpertsat that,seemto
agreewithme thatmy Sedanca
actuallyis quitespecial.
I wenthometo Londonin the
familyQashqai,leavingthe Bentley
sittingon the (security-patrolled)
concoursfield,becausethe next day
I was busydownat Beaulieu,chair-
ing the forumon classiccar values
that HagertyInsuranceorganises
eachyearoverthe Autojumble
weekend.Backat Blenheimon
Saturdaywe all got the chanceto
join in a massiveparade,including
the best of the modernsupercars,
wendingits slowway aroundthe
groundsandpastthe immense
façadeof the Palace.The McLaren
P1 in frontof me neededto do
the tighterpathwaysof the park.
Thensuddenlyit was all over,
and the Bentleyand I wereon the
M40andtrundlinghome.As I
cruisedalongin the middlelane at a
restful70mph– thanksto our over-
drive,that’s only2700rpm– I
moutheda heartfeltthankyou to
the specialistswhoworkedtheir
patient magic duringthose long
monthsand yearsof the rebuild,
muchof whichis now 10 yearsold:
MilesRenton-Skinnerfor the body
and ash frame, Sean Watson for the
perfectpaint,MikeThomasfor the
flawlessinteriorand thatlovely
fittedluggage,and PaulBrownfor
the engineand runninggear. I still
couldn’t believethat my babyhad
beenvotedbonnierthanthe other
babiesat the babyshow.
A coupleof weekslaterthe Bent-
ley was on the roadagain,this time
biddento acountryvillagewedding
in Gloucestershire.Pearland I
drovedownin our gladrags,we
mascotto windscreen,and I took
brideand fatherto the churchand
thenbrideand groomto the recep-
tion at Thornbury Castle – so that’s
twostatelyhomesin the same
month.It was a lovelyoccasion,but
it’ll takeme a whileto cleanthe
confettiout of the nooksand cran-
nies.I bet that’s not a problemthat
bothers the meticulous minions.
December 2015 Classic&SportsCar 171
Fromtop: beauteousBeck
250 Lusso;Bentley’s tax
disc and boot;Sedanca’s
andV12 LagondaRapide
serious,with probing,