Classic & Sports Car - December 2015 UK

(WallPaper) #1


The storyof the all-conqueringCosworth
DFVengineis well known,but this new
effortfromGrahamRobsonhas a
slightlydifferentemphasis.He does,of
course,coverthe rise of Cosworthand
the powerplant’s development,but the
mainfocusis on cataloguingeach
FormulaOnecar that racedin a World
Championshiproundpoweredby a motorfromthe DFVfamily.
Whenyou considerthat derivativesof the V8 soldieredon until
1991,it’s quitean undertakingand muchof the initialresearchwas
doneby the late AnthonyPritchard.FromAGSto Wolf, it’s a long
list, and Robsonclosesby takinga widerlookat F1 duringthe DFV’s
3-litreheydayplus someof its rivals.The layoutis a littleuninspiring
but the photosare good,and this will be a very usefulreference.JP
£65GrahamRobson,Veloce.ISBN 9781845846244

The titlesin PorterPress’GreatCars
seriesare comingthickand fast. Number
four focuseson the legendaryFerrari
StirlingMossdroveto a dominantvictory
in the 1960To urist Trophyat Goodwood.
Few knowmoreaboutthis greatFerrari
than historianDougNye,who droveit
extensivelyduringPaul Vestey’s 17-year
ownership.Moss’racesare coveredin
depth,with 23 pageson the TT, includingthe memoriesof Rob Walker
teammechanicTo ny Cleverley. Laterdriveswith MikeParkesand Jack
Searsare also highlighted,as well as ownersfromGerryCrozier
throughto RossBrawn.Studiopicturesby JamesManncompletethe
tome,but the conceptfeels a littlestretchedat timeswith careerreviews
of all involved,including12 pageson Brawn’s racinglife.MW£60
DougNye,PorterPressInternational.ISBN 9781907085239

Thunderin Carolina

The ’59 NASCAR season(and primarilythe LaborDay Southern500 at
Darlingtonraceway)is the backdropforThunderin Carolina.Jim Reed
won the real race, but the climaxherehas the wiseveteran Mitch
Cooper(RoryCalhoun)battlingwith his
protégéLes York (RaceGentry)who’s left
to drive for the wealthyReichertteam.
If you can sufferthe cornyplot and
cliché-riddenscript,there’s some
evocative race actionand convincing
atmosphere.Familiarfaces includeAlan
HaleJnr, bestknown forBonanza,and
Casey Jones,who playsthe loyal team
manager, plus ConnieHines,who stars
as York’s long-sufferingwife Rene.
The drivingsaves the movie, including
testingon NorthCarolinamountainroads
whereCooper, a formermoonshine
runner, tells York: “Keepthe lead in your
foot and your brain in your head.”
the pre-race paradesthroughDarlington,
whilethe car-to-carfootagemusthave
grippedaudiences.Stuntdrivers includedJoe Caspolich,who crashed
in the 1957Southern500.Pronounceddeadat the track, he was saved
by a doctorin the morguewho discovered his hero was still alive.MW

Grand Prix Ford

Motoringmomentsfrombig and smallscreens

Ferrari 250GTSWB

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