American Car - November 2015

(Steven Felgate) #1




the eventual finalists racing for a prize
of Stromberg carbs. The car park was
rammed, and to give an idea of how
many made the 50-mile round trip,
every one of the 500 “Detonators
Dust-up” stickers were sold!
The early evening atmosphere
around the pavilion area is always
a highlight, as everyone gathers to
chill out whilst cool cars from all over
Europe sweep in and out of the show
field and pick-ups cruise the site, their
beds full of revellers and would-be pin-
up models. Barriers around the central
area ensure only billet-free pre-66
stuff gets through, ensuring the retro
feel is maintained.
The highlight of Saturday night was
a stonking set from everybody’s new
favourite band The Delta Bombers.
Everyone I spoke to thought the
US combo were excellent, and they
seemed to be sound blokes as well,

spending the whole day checking
out the event and shovelling down
chips in the cafe. A tough act to follow,
although British band The Revs put
up a good showing prior to the early
hours burlesque turn.
I managed to blag a dry chalet
bed for Saturday night (thanks to the
Originals car club) and man, was I
glad when I saw the weather Sunday
morning. Faced with the misery of
packing up in heavy rain, many opted
to get it over and done with and hit
the road early, but despite the weather
this was once again a thoroughly
enjoyable event. I did, though,
come away with the impression that
the Hayride is attracting a more
mainstream crowd these days, with
less of the hardcore rockin’ music
fans in attendance. No matter - when
it comes to retro lifestyle events, the
Hayride is still the one to beat. ACM

hayride.indd 39 21/09/2015 14:07:37

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