American Car - November 2015

(Steven Felgate) #1
78 ACM



The primer went on beautifully
(12), inside and out – notice that
Wacky was careful to marshal the
air line so that it didn't drag
through any fresh paint (13)!
Anyone would think he'd done
this before... The underside got a
good coating, too (14), getting as
far into any nooks and crannies
as possible. Soon, the job was
done (15), and just in time for the
Quality chaps to lock up at noon.
Wacky had put a damn good coat
over every square inch of the car
except the outer roof panel, thick
enough to be tough but not thick
enough to give future adhesion

or cracking issues. He'd used just
over three litres each of paint and
hardener. It was touch-dry within
about 20 minutes in the warm,
dry atmosphere of the painting
unit, but Alan allowed me to
leave it a few days before going
back to collect it.
I was very lucky that the day I
collected it was pleasant and dry
(16), not a common state of
affairs in August, 2015. I returned
it home to its workshop and got it
back up on its spit (17). Ah, for the
well-lit, spacious, airy
environment of Quality's paint
unit... I'd been properly spoiled.

12 13

14 15



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