His successor, President Arthur, in his last message to Congress, Dec. 1884, again
recommends that Congress "assume absolute political control of the Territory of Utah," and says:
"I still believe that if that abominable practice [polygamy] can be suppressed by law it can only be
by the most radical legislation consistent with the restraints of the Constitution." The secular and
religious press of America, with few exceptions, supports these sentiments of the chief magistrate.
Since the annexation of Utah to the United States, after the Mexican war, "Gentiles" as the
Christians are called, have entered the Mormon settlement, and half a dozen churches of different
denominations have been organized in Salt Lake City. But the "Latter Day Saints" are vastly in the
majority, and are spreading in the adjoining Territories. Time will show whether the Mormon
problem can be solved without resort to arms, or a new emigration of the Mormons.
§ 48. General Literature on the Papacy.
Bullarium Magnum Romanum a Leone M. usque ad Benedictum XIV. Luxemb., 1727–1758. 19
vols., fol. Another ed., of superior typography, under the title: Bullarum ... Romanorum
Pontificum amplissima Collectio, opera et studio C. Cocquelines, Rom., 1738–1758, 14 Tomi
in 28 Partes fol.; new ed., 1847–’72, 24 vols. Bullarii Romani continuatio, ed. A. A. Barberi,
from Clement XIII. to Gregory XVI., Rom., 1835–1857, 18 vols.
Monumenta Germaniae Historica inde ab anno Christi quingentesimo usque ad annum millesimum
et quingentesimum; ed. by G. H. Pertz (royal librarian at Berlin, d. 1876), continued by G.
Waitz. Hannoverae, 1826–1879, 24 vols. fol. A storehouse for the authentic history of the
German empire.
*Anastasius (librarian and abbot in Rome about 870): Liber Pontificalis (or, De Vitis Roman.
Pontificum). The oldest collection of biographies of popes down to Stephen VI., a.d. 885, but
not all by Anastasius. This book, together with later collections, is inserted in the third volume
of Muratori, Rerum Ital. Scriptores (Mediol., 1723–’51, in 25 vols. fol.); also in Migne, Patrol.
L. Tom. cxxvii. (1853).
Archibald Bower (b. 1686 at Dundee, Scotland, d. 1766): The History of the Popes, from the
foundation of the See of Rome to the present time. 3rd ed. Lond., 1750–’66. 7 vols., 4to. German
transl. by Rambach, 1770. Bower changed twice from Protestantism to Romanism, and back
again, and wrote in bitter hostility, to the papacy, but gives very ample material. Bp. Douglas
of Salesbury wrote against him.
Chr. F. Walch: Entwurf einer vollständigen Historie der römischen Päpste. Göttingen, 2d ed., 1758.
G. J. Planck: Geschichte des Papstthums. Hanover, 1805. 3 vols.
L. T. Spittler: Geschichte des Papstthums; with Notes by J. Gurlitt, Hamb., 1802, new ed. by H. E.
G. Paulus. Heidelberg, 1826.
J. E. Riddle: The History of the Papacy to the Period of the Reformation. London, 1856. 2 vols.
F. A. Gfrörer: Geschichte der Karolinger. (Freiburg, 1848. 2 vols.); Allgemeine Kirchengeschichte
(Stuttgart, 1841–’46, 4 vols.); Gregor VII. und sein Zeitalter (Schaffhausen, 1859–64, 8 vols.).
Gfrörer began as a rationalist, but joined the Roman church, 1853, and died in 1861.