Macworld - UK (2022-01)

(Maropa) #1
68 Macworld • January 2022


Big Sur limits matches to exact autocompletions.

Monterey provides matches, not just autocompletion, in
declining order of exactness to what you typed.

more likely you’ll find a folder that
you don’t know the precise name of,
or if you type fewer characters to
make a match.
In Big Sur, start to type a path
and macOS will offer only auto-fill
suggestions. In Monterey, however, it
offers exact matches, but also fuzzier
ones. Type in ~/.ss, and macOS

suggests Users >
gif > .ssh, the path
to the .ssh folder in
my user folder. But
it also matches
.dvdcss, which has
two s’s in a row,
and then suggests
even looser
potentials, like
.zsh_history and
As you go down
the list, matches
become even
more tangentially
related to what
you typed.
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