13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1

(^3) Sale, 1985: 43; Wolmer, 2003.
(^4) Miller 1996.
(^5) Fall 2003.
(^6) e.g.Miller 1996; Pirot et al.2000.
(^7) Calicott and Nelson 1998.
(^8) Biodiversity Support Programme, 1993; de Villiers,
(^9) Brosius, 2003.
(^10) Wolmer, 2003.
(^11) Terborgh, 1999; Oates, 1999; Wilshusen et al., 2002.
(^12) Jones and Chonguica, 2001.
(^13) Ferguson, 1990.
(^14) McCloskey, 2000; Fall, 2003.
(^15) Brosius and Russell, 2003: 46.
(^16) Brosius, 2003; Wilshusen et al., 2002; Brechin et al.,
(^17) Duffy, 2002.
(^18) Draper and Wels, 2002; Hanks, 2003.
(^19) van der Linde et al., 2001.
(^20) Brosius, 2003.
(^21) Magome and Murombedzi, 2003.
(^22) Graham et al., 2003.
(^23) Jones and Chonguica, 2001; Ashley and Wolmer,
(^24) Ashley and Wolmer, 2003; Katarere et al., 2001;
Magome and Murombedzi, 2003.
(^25) Soderbaum and Taylor, 2001.
(^26) Duffy, 2002.
(^27) Singh, 2000.
(^28) Sandwith et al., 2001; Hanks, 2003.
(^29) Draper and Wels, 2002; Ramutsindela, 2002.
(^30) Koch, 1998.
(^31) Katere et al., 2001; Simon, 2003; Wolmer, 2003.
(^32) Chabal and Daloz, 1999; Bayart et al., 1999.
(^33) Duffy, 2002; Peluso, 1993.
(^34) Duffy, 2002.
(^35) Neumann, 1997; Zerner, 2000; Duffy, 2002; Brosius
and Russell, 2003; Wolmer, 2003; RRP, 2002.
(^36) Bond, 2001.
(^37) Gordon, 1992; Neumann, 1997; Draper and Wels,
(^38) Singh, 2000; Duffy, 2002; Brosius and Russel,l 2003;
Scott, 1998; Schroeder, 1999.
(^39) Wolmer, 2003.
(^40) Hughes, 2002.
(^41) MacKenzie, 1988; Adams and McShane, 1992.
(^42) Wilshusen et al., 2002.
(^43) Neumann, 1997; Duffy, 2002.
(^44) Magome and Murombedzi, 2003; Wolmer et al.,
(^45) Simon, 2003.
(^46) Wolmer and Scoones, 2003.
(^47) Wilshusen et al., 2002.
(^48) Katerere et al., 2001; Ashley and Wolmer, 2003;
Magome and Murombedzi, 2003.
(^49) Ashley and Wolmer, 2003.
(^50) van der Linde et al., 2001.
(^51) Katerere et al., 2001; Mail and Guardian 26/4/2002;
RRP, 2002.
(^52) Brechin et al., 2002; Miller, 1996.
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History, cculture aand cconservation

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