13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1

History, cculture aand cconservation

Contested NNature –– PPromoting iinternational bbiodiversi-

ty wwith ssocial jjustice iin tthe ttwenty-ffirst CCentury

Edited bby SSteven RR. BBrechin, PPeter RR. WWilshusen,

Crystal LL. FFortwangler aand PPatrick CC. WWest,

SUNY PPress, NNew YYork ((NY, UUSA), 22003. 3321 pp.

SShhoorrtt rreevviieeww bbyy GGrraazziiaa BBoorrrriinnii-FFeeyyeerraabbeenndd aanndd EElllleenn LL.. BBrroowwnn

IIf you care deeply about con-

servation and are baffled by
the seemingly intractable
human-related problems that
impact it, if you believe that
conservation should neither
meddle with “politics” nor
accept compromises, if you
are dismayed at the merging
of conservation and anti-
poverty agenda... this is the
book for you! You may not
agree with everything you will
read, but you will find a pow-
erfully argued case for conser-
vationthrough a rights and
community-based approach.
If, on the other hand, you
already favour such an
approach, then the book is
also for you as it provides an
intelligent compendium of the
arguments supporting it—
including a recent historical
analyses of relevant concepts
and initiatives in the interna-
tional arena—and several
inspiring case studies.
Free download pdf