13 Policy Matters.qxp

(Rick Simeone) #1

History, cculture aand cconservation

The Fishing Culture of Arraial do
Arraial do Cabomeans literally “Hamlet on
the Cape”. In fact, Arraial do Cabo was not
one hamlet but two (Praia dos Anjos and
Praia Grande). Over time, it grew into four
neighborhoods with the third developing
into an Afro-Brazilian neighborhood after
the abolition of slavery in 1888 and a
fourth, Praia do Pontal, with the establish-
ment of Alkalis chemical plant and housing
for its upwardly mobile employees.

At the beginning of the 20th Century, the
deep soft sand and lack of transport sepa-
rated these hamlets. Now, increased urbani-
sation and paved roads have merged them
together, transforming them from independ-
ent entities into neighborhoods of a larger
municipality. The four main neighborhoods
get their names from the beaches with
which they are associated: Praia dos Anjos
(Angel Beach), Praia Grande(Long Beach),
Prainha(Little Beach), and Praia do Pontal
(Point Beach), indicating the importance of
the beach in the lives of its residents.
Today, although the municipality spans the
four areas, these distinctions are still rele-

Gear groups
Arraial do Cabo has a population of
approximately 26,000 people.^9
Though no official statistics exist,
based on the number of participants
in the different fisheries, there are
approximately 1,340 fishers including
shell-fishers (See Table 1). Fishing,
therefore, represents an important
source of employment and is an
essential part of the local economy.

Fishers distinguish themselves from each
other based on two primary factors, ethnici-
ty and gear type, and divisions between
fishers run deep. Long-term residents, who
call themselves cabistas, regard other
groups that have come in recent years to
fish as outsiders and call them caringos
(thought to be a variation on gringo). These
groups rarely fish together and generally
engage in different types of fishing activi-

Hook and Line Fishers 1,000
Purse Seiners 80
SCUBA fishers 20
Shell Collectors 90
Beach Seiners 150
Total 1,340

Table 1.Number of fishers in Arraial do

Figure 5.Group size and ethnic divi-
sions among Arraial do Cabo fishers
(Source: Pinto da Silva, 2002)

Figure 4.Fishers and community members pull in the
net (Courtesy Patricia Pinto da Silva)

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