Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1


The thirst for ethical orientation and the call for values can be seen
and heard worldwide. In times of fast changes, unpredictable environ-
mental threats, economic volatility, multicultural pluralism and religious
extremism, people look for stable foundations. The need for global val-
ues and global ethics in a globalized world is combined with the need
for contextual identity. New nationalisms, fascisms, protectionisms and
fundamentalisms are mixed with a globalized, pluralistic Google-
Facebook-Baidu-media world where anything seems to be relative. Are
global values threatened by particular values? Find answers in the arti-
cles of this book.

Goals of this Book

This compilation of 32 articles aims at contributing to various goals:
Highlight challenges of global values and virtues in a multipolar inter-
connected and divided world; show normative needs for global and con-
textual values and virtues; develop in each article the content of one
value or virtue in a specific geographic, cultural or religious context;
give an input to the understanding of the value-basis of the UN-
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs; contribute to the interpretation
of’s vision, mission and values; contribute to the deeper
meaning of the new Strategy 2016-2020 of with its slo-
gan “Values-driven Leadership for Life and Sustainable Development”;
celebrate the transition in leadership (President and Executive Director)

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