Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1 Contribution to Global Values and Virtues 17

giving content to those values and virtues. There are human rights—and
values related to them—that are universally valid. Yet they might be
perceived differently in their relevant cultural context without losing
those universally valid meanings. There are different societal set-ups
and historic developments, there are different religions and faith groups
and yet there are many commonly agreed upon understandings and the
will to live together in peace and enhanced prosperity. Traveling in my
previous capacity and task from one cultural region to others, I had an
eager longing to set my mind right for helping me to better understand
my counterparts in those other cultures. It became obvious that in order
to better understand others one must first understand his/her own cul-
ture. One day I asked Prof. Dr. Friedli, Head of the Institute for Reli-
gions at the University of Freiburg in Switzerland whether he could
elaborate an intercultural typology of human rights. I was aware that
typologies might reduce complexity of issues and simplify, nevertheless
I thought it would be helpful for me or others to have some guiding
points when dealing with institutions and people from other cultures.

1.3 Intercultural Typology of Human Rights

He did work out such a typology together with his students. Repeat-
ed consultations and readings of that paper (which I always carried in
my travel bag) have helped me to be on a higher level of alert to under-
stand and respect other cultures. I have also often used that typology
when interacting with people through the amazing opportunities that
modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) provides to
connect and communicate. It has also become clear to many of my part-
ners in the private economy working in different cultures that not only
those who are well-connected have a more competitive edge, but partic-
ularly those who have adequate intercultural competences which aids
them to quickly understand others. So Prof. Dr. Friedli’s chart has be-

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