Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Honesty – Lies and Politics 219

ment, we place the interests of the state above our previously held val-
ues, if, once we enter the executive, state interests differ from our earlier
convictions. Grass-roots members of all parties reproach their represent-
atives of having changed their convictions. In reality, it is a change due
to new responsibilities, as in Max Weber's distinction between the ethic
of conviction and the ethic of responsibility.
Niccolò Machiavelli advised his Prince that he must accept amorality
in the interests of the state, he should neither shy away from lies, nor
breaking the law, nor cruelty. While still in office as a Federal Council-
lor, I was revolted by this theory and rejected it. I even wrote a book
denouncing it^190.
But today, at a distance, I see things slightly differently.

16.3.1 The Lie

As much as the lie is publically rejected and castigated as reprehen-
sible, so it is accepted in both private life and politics. There is the lie
that flatters: "You look younger than in office"; the gentle lie: "We
broke up by mutual agreement"; the necessary lie, to prevent copycat
perpetrators: "No ransom has been paid for the hostages." Against my
better judgment, I described the climate summit in Copenhagen as a
success. I felt justified in doing so, because otherwise the CO2 law in
Switzerland would have failed. I identified with my political goal, which
I felt much more important than the not quite accurate assessment of the
failed UN gathering. As a result, I wonder today if Tony Blair really
lied, if he deliberately told falsehoods when he swore there were weap-
ons of mass destruction in Iraq, or whether he succumbed to an identifi-
cation with his own sense of mission to have to save the world. And
sometimes I wonder whether the Federal Council really believes it can
successfully negotiate with the EU on the free movement of persons or

Leuenberger, Moritz: Lüge, List und Leidenschaft. Ein Plädoyer für die Poli-
tik, Zürich: Limmat Verlag 2007 (Lies, cunning and passion - a plea for politics)

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