Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

258 Global Ethics for Leadership

In USA, the total of expenses of charity organizations is relatively
small (the expenses of state institutions at all levels are almost ten times
higher). This differs in the different continents.
However, the real role of philanthropic business is much higher, es-
pecially in science, education, healthcare and other social needs, art and
religion, and as well to preserve vitally important elements of innova-
tion, creation, reformation and solidarity in the society.
The vast quantity of charity organizations do witness that philan-
thropic business is one of the most intensively living areas of entrepre-

20.6. Religious Consciousness of Entrepreneurs

Beside purely philanthropic motivations, the religious consciousness
of entrepreneurs plays a crucial role in moral. One bright example of it
is E.F. Schumacher, whose philosophy (“Small is beautiful”^206 ) and
business practice were based on Catholic ideals.
The risks growing in geometrical progression, growing competition
for resources, race of technologies oblige everyone to be not only
“smart”. Now the winner will be the one who by his victory can bring
maximal good to humanity and nature in maximal scale and long-term
prospect. This thought was accepted also by the business community,
disappointed by the narrowness of the Capitalist approach to business.
The quantity of investors not willing to invest in the projects only for
profit, is growing. The chances for survival for companies aiming only
to growth of own financial capital are decreasing. The life dictates to the
companies and investors the new rule - to think integrated, to become
wiser, i.e. to reach the highest degree of harmony of the rational and the
spiritual dimension in business activity.

E.F. Schumacher, Small is Beautiful. Economics as if people mattered, New
York, 1973.

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