Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

264 Global Ethics for Leadership

needs of the people you serve, and/or the greater good of the
community or the world.

  • The willingness to encourage and take seriously feedback, opin-
    ions different from your own, and challenges to your ideas and
    proposed actions.

  • The encouragement of leadership in others.

  • Making the consideration and discussion of ethics and ethical
    questions and issues part of the culture of the group, organiza-
    tion, or initiative.

  • Maintaining and expanding the competence that you owe those
    who trust you to lead the organization in the right direction and
    by the best and most effective methods.

  • Accepting responsibility and being accountable.

  • Perhaps most important, understanding the power of leadership
    and using it well—sharing it as much as possible, never abusing
    it, and exercising it only when it will benefit the individuals or
    organization you work with, the community, or the society.^214

21.2.2 Ethical Principles of Leadership Training

There are also good reasons given for why it makes sense that cur-
rent global and leadership circles should adopt ethical principles of lead-
ership training and assessment:

  • Ethical leadership is a model for ethical behaviour to the
    organization and the community. Leaders are role models. If
    you want your organization or initiative—and those who work
    in it—to behave ethically, then it’s up to you to model ethical
    behaviour. A leader—and an organization—that has a reputa-
    tion for ethical behaviour can provide a model for other organi-
    zations and the community, as well.

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