Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

266 Global Ethics for Leadership

reasons already stated, and because of the responsibilities of
leadership, have a particular obligation in this respect.

  • Ethical leadership affords self-respect. Because you know
    that you consistently consider the ethics of your decisions, ac-
    tions, and interactions, you can sleep at night and face yourself
    in the morning without questioning your own integrity.^215

21.2.3 Trust as a Key to Reliability

While these are some good principles which can be applied both to
the business, to the health or church related sector, ‘reliability’ points to
something more. Robert Galford and Anne Seibold have published in
their Manual on ‘The Trusted Leaders’, a concept which combines stra-
tegic trust, organizational trust and personal trust as the key components
to be recognized if true ‘reliability’ as trustworthiness in leadership is to
be achieved.^216 To build personal trust—one of the keys to reliability—
they propose a five stage process:

  1. Engaging: finding common ground and relating to other people,
    for example by appreciating the key challenges employees face in
    their own jobs

  2. Listening—building trust by showing that one cares enough to
    invest the time to listen. Asking thoughtful questions, getting
    clarification when necessary, and giving one’s complete attention
    to the conversation all send the message that one cares about the
    other person.

  3. Framing—making sure that one understands the core of what the
    other person is conveying and letting him or her know it.

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