Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Compassion – The Mother of All Virtues 281

ed out that since all people to some degree value self-esteem and self-
worth, pity can negatively affect any situation. Additionally, pity may
actually be psychologically harmful to the pitied: Self-pity and depres-
sion can sometimes be the result of the power imbalance fostered by
pity, sometimes with extremely negative psychological and psycho-
social consequences for the pitied party.

22.5 Compassion and the Law of Balance

On the other hand, compassion arises from kind-heartedness, and not
from selfish striving as in the case of pity. It helps for the sake of help-
ing, and has no thought of personal advantage, because its aim is of a
spiritual and not material nature. Compassion observes the Law of Bal-
ance between giving and taking. The giving which is done out of schem-
ing or vanity transgresses this Law as much as the taking which origi-
nates in an expectation that takes things for granted, in a demanding and
asking, or in an “entitlement to be helped”.
But there is something else inherent in compassion: the just severity
that sees only the spiritual benefit of the other, not just what pleases you
but what benefits you even if it may sometimes be unpleasant. Whereas
letting oneself be helped from pity is much more pleasant and conven-
ient, but also promotes spiritual indolence.
How important it is to be active, to bestir yourself while being
helped is indicated by a Chinese saying: “If you give a man a fish he has
food for a day. If you teach a man to catch fish, he has food for life.”
These simple words strike precisely at the core of a genuine help
which is really beneficial to all humanity. This should be taken as the
genuine foundation of help (aids) for Africa and other developing na-
tions, which today is often offered only out of pity. How much is given
here solely from a desire to dominate, for external matters, for a com-
fortable life, for the moment. But little is done to awaken, to encourage

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