Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

316 Global Ethics for Leadership

26.3 Integrity in the International Context

and in the DRC

Let us now concentrate on Integrity as a virtue. Integrity has become
a trendy word, being used by many. It is becoming almost a synonym of
a corruption-free attitude and is often used in anti-corruption pro-
grams^235 : The World Bank Group Integrity Vice Presidency is the WB
anti-corruption unit. “Global Integrity” is a methodology used to rate
transparency between countries^236. “IntegrityAction” supports activities
that mobilise the population to fight for transparency and integrity in
project implementation^237 , “Integrity in Management ”^238 is a key con-
cept applicable to ethical leadership in Business Ethics^239 , etc. Integrity
has become almost a magic word to relate to any action aiming towards
an ethical and trustworthy behaviour.
In the DRC, it is interesting to note that the major religious institu-
tions in the country, the Christian and the Muslim communities have
jointly created the “Commission on Integrity and Electoral Mediation “
(CIME) and have included the word “integrity” in the title and the man-
date of the Commission. In this context, integrity includes the stake-
holders’ credibility, transparency, and honesty, but also the electoral
processes and the institutions.
World Bank Group, Integrity Vice Presidency: Annual Update Fiscal Year

  1. +5 Years of Fighting Corruption, Washington 2014. 236.
    Global Integrity. Innovations for Transparency and Accountability. 237
    Baki-Boisier, Christophe, L’intégrité, mon glaive, Toulouse 2014; Renz,
    Patrick/ Frischherz, Bruno/ Wettstein, Irena, Integrität im Managementalltag.
    Ethische Dilemmas im Managementalltag erfassen und lösen, Berlin/Heidelberg
    2015; Maak, Thomas/ Ulrich, Peter (eds.), Integre Unternehmensführung.
    Ethisches Orientierungswissen für die Wirtschaftspraxis 239 , Stuttgart 2007.
    Steinmann, Horst/ Kustermann, Brigitte, Unternehmensethik und
    Management: Überlegungen zur Integration der Unternehmensethik in den
    Managementprozess, in Handbuch der Wirtschaftsethik, Bd. 3, Gütersloh 1999,
    214 -216 (Der Integritäts-Ansatz).

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