Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Justice – Chinese Moral Leadership 357

pressure on the top leaders. In the Y type structure (5), the leadership
diversity is encouraged with checks and balances, but the problem is that
there lacks coordination among leaders. In the spiral structure (6), there
is no clear boundary for leadership with the premise that all the mem-
bers should share and pursue the common objectives. The nuclear struc-
ture (7) permits diversified leadership while conserving favourable envi-
ronment for moral cohesion. The last structure is the mainstream in a
democratic social organisation today. In view of the improved educa-
tional level, the advanced information technology, empowerment within
a cohesive organisational structure is capable of sustaining highly effi-
cient operation.

  1. Spike (^) 2. Umbrella

  2. Flip ‘H’

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