Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Justice – Chinese Moral Leadership 363

case, only the external force could establish the criteria. If a manager in
a company happens to be an official in a national bureau, he/she can be
rather emboldened by his position as a leader. This means even though
he/she is quite mediocre in the performance of one position, he/she is
still able to escape to the other position of same level in another organi-
sation as long as he/she doesn’t break the law and regulations. The
above discussion indicates that in China, status rather than performance
matters in appointment of leaders. Here is another example, if a hospital
director cannot focus on the management and development of the hospi-
tal due to his tri-posts as a member of Chinese People's Political Consul-
tative Conference and a consultant in the State Family Planning Com-
mission, then how to evaluate his moral leadership as a hospital direc-

28.6 Interests of the Own Organisation

Every organisation is the aggregation of interests with their own
goals and values which are divergent from other organisations. Peter
Drucker, guru of modern management, said that the scope of leadership
should be explicitly clear. Only in this way can it be possible to evaluate
the leader’s performance. In this case, leaders should be the founder and
defender of the interests of the organisation rather than shouldering oth-
er politicised responsibility. Specifically, other than meeting the stand-
ards of moral baseline, leader’s responsibility should be confined to the
organisation rather than being stretched to a wider range of responsibili-
ties which may provoke a conflict of interests. Otherwise, the interests
may be diffused to other organisations, which is not fair to its primary
members. In economics, this is defined as externality which undermines
the interest of the organisation per se. It is moral baseline and legal obli-
gation for a leader to ensure his/her organisation paying taxes. Then, let
us have a look at tax evasion. Learned Hand, Lord Chancellor of the

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