Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Justice – Chinese Moral Leadership 367

one minute as a punishment. The leader, Chuan-zhi Liu set an example
by following the rule, which establish role model for other managers and
employees. However, when he participated in the purchase of IBM PC
business, he was rather aggressive and haggled on every penny. He also
took this opportunity to publicize Lenovo’s brand image. Therefore,
setting an example does not equal to being ‘ordinary’. In reality, the
‘ordinary-person’ leaders are usually mediocre and inefficient.
Another key to realise moral leadership is to practice it personally.
For example, in ancient times, the morale of a troop will perk up if the
emperor joins them. And if the leaders deal with details may be praised
by the others in the organisation for creating socializing environment.
However, in such an era where the means of getting information are
advanced and the division of labour is highly specialized, if a leader
deals with every detail, he will lack energy to attend to macro issues
and, as a result, the organisation will fall into chaos. In the study of
management, this leads to off-side and absence in management. If the
captain often joins the sailors in cleaning the deck, the crew would very
possibly lose their direction. If the leader frequently comes to participate
in the junior level details, the field manages will lose their prestige and
find themselves in the middle of nowhere. The duty of a leader is to set
up strategy and guard effective management structure. Only in this way
can the subordinates be united with shared objectives to achieve greater

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