Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Global Values in Business 387

lation will provide a solution. The problem is not the rules, it is the val-

29.7 Changing Value Systems

How does a value system shift over time? Consider the case of cos-
metic surgery. This is a technique developed to repair faces and bodies
damaged in warfare. It was then usefully extended to making cosmetic
improvements where the pre-existing condition was causing distress.
These are all useful and commendable activities. But there is no doubt
that it can go too far—in some parts of California it is acceptable and
routine for people to make continuous adjustments in their appearance.
This practice is encouraged by peer pressure. If I lived in that society I
might well consider having the extra fold in my chin removed. The val-
ues of that society have changed—people who if they lived elsewhere
would never think of cosmetic surgery suddenly find it normal or even
desirable. I view this as a distortion of values, or put another way, a shift
in the frame of reference of what is normal or acceptable. I suspect that
serious damage is done—yet legislation is plainly not the answer. Closer
to home, my wife Judy and daughter Elizabeth both have pierced ears,
Judy one hole in each ear, Elizabeth two in one and three in the other.
For their respective ages this seems quite normal to me, although Liz
will hopefully, one day, reach Judy’s age. Travelling in the uplands of
Borneo we saw Kelabit women with very heavy brass earrings which
had stretched their ear lobes into long loops reaching to the level of their
chins. Carrying these weights, they move their heads in an elegant and
stately way which I find attractive. I have no holes or rings, but if it was
the norm I doubtless would not hesitate. In some parts of our societies it
is fashionable to have rings and studs in every appendage. I see this
when travelling on the underground in London. To me it is quite bizarre.
But if multiple body piercing is bizarre, why do I not find the holes in

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