Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Global Values in Media 397

projects of participation in the media, through the culture of conver-
gence, unconsciously or not, reveal the human contradiction.
Through converging media, people communicate the trivialization of
entertainment; social and cultural exclusion; the stimulation of symbolic
and moral violence; the practice of sexual abuse and consumerism.
Therefore, there is more access and interaction with information and
fun, which are, however, strongly composed of low-level approaches to
socio-cultural values (with incentive to cheating, competition, despise to
the Other and vulgarization of life); of content that preach racism, sex-
ism, discrimination of people with disabilities and people living in the
outskirts of cities, countries, worldwide (usually those who have less
access to converged media); of moral aggression (the so-called cyber
bullying); of pedophile; of pornography; of exacerbated appeal to con-
sumption; of submission of cultures taken as inferior that lack space for
greater expression.
The communication researcher Dominique Wolton alerts:
“The more messages are globalizing, more cultural communication
differences are affirmed. Six and a half billion computers would not
suffice in any way to ensure more communication among men [sic]. The
more-easy to make the changes from the technical point of view, be-
comes more essential and difficult to meet the cultural and social condi-
tions for the communication to be something other than a transmission
of information. It was what I called, referred to the Internet, to "risk the
interactive solitudes". In other words, the more messages are in circula-
tion, the more we are faced with two problems: (1) the conditions to be
met for a minimum of authentic communication, and (2) that of respect,
that goes beyond the techniques and the economy, towards cultural di-

WOLTON, Dominique, É preciso salvar a comunicação [We must save
communication]. São Paulo: Paulus, 2006, 17-18.

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