Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1
Global Values in Religious Organisations 405

Rule, an actionable common teaching that can be readily understood. A
version of this notion is indeed found in virtually every religious and
cultural tradition.^312 The admonition “do unto others as you would have
them do unto you,” underscores an ethic of reciprocity that is profound
and suggests a broad set of values. The depth of a seemingly very simple
notion is reflected in the story attributed to Rabbi Hillel: “The sage Hil-
lel summarized the entire Torah by saying, ‘That which is hateful to
you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the
explanation; go and learn it.’”^313 The Charter of Compassion, a global
movement inspired by the Ted prize awarded to scholar Karen Arm-
strong, builds on this basic principle as the foundation for a common
effort to address conflict and tensions in the world.^314 A not dissimilar
teaching linked to African spirituality is the notion of Ubuntu, some-
times explained as the notion that “you are, therefore I am,”^315 a sense
that there are universal values that unite humankind.
Efforts to inspire, shame, even jolt human beings to a humane and
common vision surely yields results in the many settings where such
ideas are invoked and when they are translated into action advice that
people can understand and follow. However, there is limited evidence
that the Golden Rule or Ubuntu principles in themselves transform self-
ish and warmongering human beings into kind neighbors and dutiful
citizens. Rule of law, constant leadership efforts, economic incentives
and disincentives, robust education, and opportunities for individual and
community development that bring out the best in people (their “better
angels”) all play their part. They come alongside the values and ethical
principles that, to varying degrees, people draw from their religious her-
Different versions from different religious traditions are highlighted at 313
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., (2013), Messages from the Mishnah, Shaar
Press Mesorah 314 Publications.
“All you need is Ubuntu”; See maga-

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