Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 21. Template Method

Figure 21.3. Star presses from Aster Corporation come with an abstract class that you
must subclass to work at Oozinoz.

The Aster star press is smart and independent, and it is also aware that it may be running in a
smart factory with which it must communicate.

For example, the shutDown() method informs the factory if the mold it was processing is
left incomplete:

public void shutDown()
if (inProcess())

The markMoldIncomplete() method and the AsterStarPress class are abstract. At
Oozinoz, you create a subclass that implements the required method and download this code
to the star press computer. You can implement markMoldIncomplete() by passing the
information about the incomplete mold to the MaterialManager singleton that tracks
material status.

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