Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 23. Strategy


Fill in the class diagram in Figure 23.3, which shows the recommendation logic
refactored into a collection of strategy classes.

Figure 23.3. Complete this diagram to show a refactoring of the recommendation
software, with strategies appearing as implementations of a common interface.

Each implementation of the Advisor interface should supply a singleton that offers
the recommend() operation. You might correspondingly give each class a single, private
constructor to prevent other classes from instantiating it.

The constructor for PromotionAdvisor should investigate whether a promotion is on. You
might then supply this class with a hasItem() method that indicates whether there is
a promoted item.

package com.oozinoz.recommend;
import java.util.
import com.oozinoz.fireworks.*;
public class PromotionAdvisor implements Advisor
public static final PromotionAdvisor singleton =
new PromotionAdvisor();
private Firework promoted;

private PromotionAdvisor()
Properties p = new Properties();

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