Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 25. Interpreter

Figure 25.1. An interpreter hierarchy provides for runtime programming of a factory robot.

The interpreter hierarchy includes commands that let you start up, shut down, and unload
machines. (These commands require a bit of customization to work with our machinery.)
The interpreter hierarchy also provides a command that carries material from one machine to
another and provides sequence, for, and if commands that are compositions of other

The ForMachines class uses another command as the body of a for loop. This command
can be either a single command or a sequence embodied in a CommandSequence object.
The IfCommand class constructor takes a condition term, not shown, and two commands,
one of which it executes, depending on the condition. The NullCommand class implements
execute() to do nothing. You can use this, for example, to nullify the else part of an if

Each class in the Command hierarchy is an interpreter. Polymorphism lets each class interpret
the execute() operation differently, in a way that matches the name of the class. You might
also say that each instance of a class in the hierarchy is an interpreter. The
CommandSequence, ForMachines, and IfCommand classes let you compose new,
arbitrarily complex interpreters that can interpret the execute() command as a complete

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