Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 29. Visitor

public void visit(Machine m)
if (sought == null && m.getId() == soughtId)
sought = m;

public void visit(MachineComposite mc)
if (sought == null && mc.getId() == soughtId)
sought = mc;
Iterator i = mc.getComponents().iterator();
while (sought == null && i.hasNext())

The visit() methods frequently check the sought variable so that the tree traversal will
end as soon as the desired component is found.


Write a program that finds and prints out the StarPress3404 object within
the instance of MachineComponent that OozinozFactory.dublin() returns.

Note that the find() method does not worry about whether the machine component it
receives as an argument is an instance of Machine or of MachineComposite.
The find() method simply calls accept(), which in turn calls visit(). Figure 29.4
shows this sequence of method calls.

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