Appendix B. Solutions
SOLUTION 6.2.......................................................................................................................................
You have many choices about how to illustrate the class relationships in this example. Figure
B.6 shows one answer. Your figure should show the relationship between JDBCAdapter and
Statement. In UML, the open arrowhead on the association between JDBCAdapter and
Statement indicates that a JDBCAdapter object can use or navigate to a Statement
object, but a Statement object cannot use a JDBCAdapter object.
Figure B.6. An OzJDBCAdapter object will throw a NoQuery exception if the adapter is
asked for data before a query has made data available.
Note that you cannot show the class that implements Statement, as the JDBC architecture
isolates you from knowing how a driver writer has named this class.
An illustration of the OzJDBCAdapter class should show the methods it overrides.
Figure B.6 also indicates that OzJDBCAdapter objects use a hasQuery Boolean to keep
track of whether they have received a query.