Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Appendix B. Solutions

method should not have to check that the mementos stack has at least one memento. But it
doesn't hurt.

SOLUTION 19.4....................................................................................................................................

The latest memento contains the state to save, so the object to write to disk is

SOLUTION 19.5....................................................................................................................................

The disadvantages of storing an object in textual format follow.

  • Encapsulation flies out the window. Anyone with a text editor can manipulate the
    object's data.

  • For this approach to work, you must be able to parse the text, either using an XML
    parser or writing your own parser for a proprietary format.

  • A textual representation may be much larger than an object serialization with the same

On the other hand, there are many advantages to storing objects as text.

  • Anyone with a text editor can verify an object's data.

  • Anyone with a text editor can manipulate an object's data—an advantage in some

  • It is often easier to pass text between systems than it is to set up interchange with
    RMI, CORBA, or other protocols.

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