Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 3. Adapter

public static void display(Component c, String title)
JFrame f = new JFrame(title);
new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)

In Chapter 4, Facade, you will port this code to a utility class. With fewer than 20 statements
of its own, the ShowRocketTable class sits above hundreds or thousands of statements that
collaborate to produce a table component within a GUI framework. The JTable class can
handle nearly every aspect of displaying a table, but it can't know in advance what data you
will want to present. To let you supply the data it needs, the JTable class sets you up to
apply ADAPTER. To use JTable, you implement the TableModel interface that JTable
expects, along with a class that provides the data you want to display.

It's easy to use JTable because this class is designed for adaptation. In practice, when you
need to adapt an existing class to meet a client's needs, you may find that the client code
designers have not foreseen this possibility and have not provided an interface to adapt to.

Unforeseen Adaptation...............................................................................................................................

Suppose that an existing application at Oozinoz issues warnings and prints out other messages
to System.out. The commonly used expression System.out is an instance of
PrintStream. Noting this and foreseeing that you might want to redirect the message
output, the application's designers have built in a setOutput() method. It would be better if
these designers had defined the interface they required for displaying messages. That would
have let you provide an implementation for just the PrintStream methods that the
application uses. But at least the setOutput() method lets you supply a different instance
of PrintStream as the message channel.

Suppose that you want to redirect the messages to appear in a JText-Area object.
Inspecting the application, you note that the only call it makes to the PrintStream object
you supply is print(), with an Object argument. To redirect these print() calls to
a JTextArea object, you might design the MessageAdapter class as shown in Figure 3.8.

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