Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 6. Bridge

Figure 6.4. Instances of classes in the MachineController hierarchy drive machines in
the Oozinoz factory.

The MachineController class defines the interface for an object that controls a machine.
Subclasses provide different implementations of the methods that drive a machine. Most of
the methods that Machine-Controller declares are abstract, but it does have concrete
methods that depend on its abstract methods. For example, the inputFull() method is
concrete, but its effects depend on how subclasses implement getQueueMax():

public boolean inputFull()
return getQueueMax() >= getQueue().size();

The MachineController class is an abstraction whose implementation occurs in its
subclasses, and we can consider separating the abstraction from its implementation. The
motivation to separate an abstraction from its implementation usually occurs when a new
reason for subclassing emerges. For example, suppose that you want to differentiate normal
controllers from testing controllers. A testing controller has new methods that test or stress
machines, such as an overflow() method that dispatches material to a machine until the

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