Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

post-production editing

  1. Increased contrast brings with it, increased saturation, which in this instance is an unwelcome
    visitor to the proceedings. We can remove the increase in saturation by simply setting the
    adjustment layer to Luminosity mode (so long as you do not have a painting tool selected the
    keyboard shortcut is Alt+Shift+S).

  2. Select the Gradient Tool in the Tools palette and in the Options bar choose the ‘Black,
    White’ and ‘Linear’ options. Drag a gradient from a short distance above the horizon line to a
    short distance below the horizon line. This will effectively shield the sky from the effects of this
    aggressive adjustment layer and return the tonality of the sky back to ‘normal’. ‘Normal’ does not
    mean ‘dramatic’ and seeing as this is an exercise in drama we will set to rectify this situation in
    the next step.

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