Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

panoramic photographs

The mighty print
Given the format of most wide vista photographs, printing on standard inkjet paper will result
in much of the printing surface being left unused. Printer companies like Epson now produce
pre-cut panoramic paper in a photographic fi nish. These sheets are convenient to use and their
proportions are stored as one of the default paper settings on all the latest model printers.
Another approach is to use the roll paper format that is now available as an option on several
different models. This option provides the ability to print both long and thin and standard picture
formats on the same paper, reducing the need for multiple paper types. Using these special roll
holders the printer can output different image formats back to back and edge to edge, providing
cutting guidelines between pictures if needed.

Spinning panos
Many wide vista photographers choose to present their work in an interactive spinning format
rather than in print form. This way of looking at images is often called Virtual Reality (VR) and is
used extensively on the Internet to give viewers the feeling that they are actually standing in the
environment they are seeing on screen. Holiday destinations and real estate previews come to life
via this technology. When the VR panorama opens you can navigate around the scene looking left
and right with nothing more than simple mouse movements.
Although the ability to output your fl at panoramic pictures in a VR format is not an integrated
function of all stitching programs there are a variety of utility programs available for those who
want to get their wide vista pictures spinning. But enough of the output options let’s get down to
the business of creating panorama photographs.

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