Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

essential skills: digital photography in available light

Composing two or more people
Composing two or more people within the frame for an environmental portrait can take considerable
skill. People will now relate with each other as well as with the environment. The physical space
between people can become very signifi cant in the way we read the image. For a close-up portrait
of two people the space between them can become an uncomfortable design element. Careful
choice of vantage point or placement of the subjects is often required to achieve a tight composition
making optimum use of the space within the frame.

The situation most often encountered is where two people sit or stand side by side, shoulder to
shoulder. If approached face on (from the front) the space between the two people can seem
great. This can be overcome by shooting off to one side or staggering the individuals from the
camera. The considerations for design are changed with additional subjects.

Collect two environmental portrait images with two to fi ve subjects.
In at least one image the subject should have been placed in the foreground.
Comment on the arrangement of the subjects in relation to the camera and the effectiveness of
the design.

Mark Galer
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