essential skills: digital photography in available light
Revealing character
Signifi cant and informative details can be included within the frame with the subject. These details
may naturally occur in the environment or be introduced for the specifi c purpose of strengthening
the communication. Connections may be made through the ‘tools of the trade’ associated with the
individual’s occupation. Informative artifacts such as works of art or literature may be chosen to
refl ect the individual’s character. Environments and the lighting may be chosen to refl ect the mood
or state of mind of the subject.
The objects or subject matter chosen may have symbolic rather than direct connection to the
subject. In the above image the bent walking stick of the old man and the path travelled could be
seen to represent the journey of life.
Compose one image considering carefully the inclusion or juxtaposition of signifi cant or
informative detail.
Describe the importance of the additional information and how it is likely to be read by the
Ann Ouchterlony