Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

essential skills: digital photography in available light

Tonal range Difference between highlights and shadows.
Tone A tint of color or shade of gray.
Transmitted light Light that passes through another medium.
Transparent Allowing light to pass through.
Tripod Camera support.
TTL Through the lens light metering system.
Tungsten light 3200K light source.

Unsharp Mask See USM.
URL Unifrom Resource Locator. A unique web address given to each
web page.
USB Universal Serial bus. A computer interface for connecting
peripheral devices such as cameras.
USM Unsharp Mask. A software fi lter used to sharpen images.
UV Ultraviolet radiation invisible to the human vision.

Vertical At right angles to the horizontal plane.
Viewpoint Camera to subject position.
Visualize Ability to exercise visual imagination.

Wide angle Lens with a greater fi eld of view than normal.
Workfl ow Series of repeatable steps required to achieve a particular result
within a digital imaging environment.

X-sync. Synchronization setting for electronic fl ash.
X-sync. socket Co-axial socket on lens or camera for external fl ash cable.

Zoom Tool A tool used for magnifying a digital image on the monitor.

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