Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

asset management

  1. Batch rename
    Go to ‘Tools > Batch Rename’ to change the name of your fi les. Do not use spaces or punctuation
    marks in the naming of fi les. Use underscores instead of spaces and initials instead of words to
    keep the fi le name short, e.g. YVW_V05 for Yarra Valley Winery, Victoria 2005. It is possible to
    add a full description to each of the fi les later using the images’ metadata rather than the fi le name
    to describe the contents of the image (see step 9). Use the ‘Preserve current fi le name in XMP
    metadata’ option to retain the original fi le name in the metadata. This is a useful option when you
    want to retain the connection of PSD, TIFF or JPEG fi les to the master RAW fi les or when you are
    only renaming a selection of images from a shoot.

Users of File Browser in Photoshop 7 and CS were often confused with the default settings
in the Batch Rename dialog box. The fi le extension, by default, appeared in the second fi eld.
This glitch by someone at Adobe prevented effective renaming of the fi les. The fi le extension
should be consigned to at least the third fi eld so each fi le can have the same name and a unique
number (this requires at least two fi elds to be used before the fi le extension appears). This
problem was rectifi ed in Bridge.
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