Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

framing the image


An essential skill of framing is to view the subject in relation to its background. This relationship
between subject and background is often referred to as ‘fi gure and ground’. Many photographers
stand too far away from the subject. In a desire to include all the subject their photographs become
busy, unstructured and cluttered with unwanted background detail. This extra detail can distract
from the primary subject matter. If a photographer moves closer, or chooses an alternative vantage
point from which to take the image, distracting background can be reduced or eliminated. With
fewer visual elements to be arranged the photographer has more control over composition. If
background detail does not relate to the subject the photographer should consider removing it
from the frame. Unless the photograph is to act as a factual record the need to include everything
is unnecessary. William Albert Allard, a photographer for National Geographic, says:

‘What’s really important is to simplify. The work of most photographers would be
improved immensely if they could do one thing: get rid of the extraneous. If you strive
for simplicity, you are more likely to reach the viewer.’

In the image above the protective hands provide all the information we need to understand the
relationship between these people. In order to clarify this, the photographer could have moved
further back. With increased background information the power of this portrait would have been
lost. Photographers have the option however of taking more than one photograph to tell a story.

Create an image demonstrating how you can use a simple background to remove unwanted
detail and help keep the emphasis or ‘focal point’ on the subject.

Matthew - Mark Galer
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