Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1
Chapter 1:

Fifteen Minutes a Day

Keep Up With Change
If you’ve been in the business of real estate investing for any
time at all, you’ve seen a number of changes in our industry. Some
investors have kept up with the changes, while others have been left in
the dust. In this chapter, we’ll talk about why that is and how these
changes can affect you personally.
Obviously, the present economy has brought about monumental
changes. Everyone in America and around the globe has seen and
recognized these changes. While those economical changes are
incredibly massive, the changes I’m talking about are greater and
ultimately have more impact than what’s going on with the economy.
The changes I refer to are those that pertain to technology and the
In times past, a real estate investor could put a sign up on a pole
and stick an ad in the local paper and the calls would just come flooding
in. Those methods were perfectly effective for that time and era, but
those days are long gone. Everything has changed. The “old school”
ways of thinking, working, and marketing no longer work in today’s
high tech environment.
Research in the field shows that least 80% of home searches
begin online, according to and

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