Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

bird dogs are paid on the finished sale, they will become more and more
adept at sniffing out the best deals.
Once your cash flow is ramped up, you may want to take on two
or three more. Or, why wait? They only get paid when you buy and
sell, so get as many as you can. Soon you’ll have enough properties to
substantiate the need for a bus tour as described in the Marketing
Resource above.


Marketing Resource #98: There may come a point in your growing
business when highway billboards will be the perfect medium to get
your message across. Billboards and other forms of outdoor advertising
can be highly effective and efficient. What a way to capture a lot of
attention on a consistent basis! You can start your research right now at

A Billboard is Just There
Perhaps you’ve wondered about this marketing marvel as you’ve
driven down the highway and had a particular billboard catch your eye.
Billboards have been a part of the American landscape for decades.
Like a Yellow Pages ad, a billboard is there for months at a time,
unlike TV or newspaper ads that are here today and gone tomorrow. A
billboard cannot be turned off or put down. It’s just there.

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