Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

Eight Words
Abraham Lincoln has a position in our brains. Honest guy with
beard who freed the slaves. Eight words. Compare this with Grover
Cleveland, Millard Fillmore, U.S. Grant and even Lyndon Johnson.
These Presidents all worked hard, but because they have no position,
they're anonymous.
Not convinced? Think positioning only works for famous
people? Think about your high school days. Who do you remember?
Why? Chances are the people who stand out in your memory aren't
necessarily the ones you spent the most time with, but they are the ones
with the most vivid positioning. Did they do this consciously? Probably
not. Doesn't matter. Unconscious or not, positioning effects the way
you're perceived.
We know ourselves very, very well. We're aware of all of our
skills, our talents, our strengths and our weaknesses. And quite often,
we expect that others will too. We meet someone at a party and are
surprised and offended when they walk off after just a couple of
minutes. "Wait! I'm so interesting! How can you leave?"
Unfortunately, most people aren't as interested in you as you are.
If you want people to remember something about you, you need to
choose a position.

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