Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

Marketing Resource #36: Learn more about real estate listing on eBay

I’m always surprised to learn how few of my fellow real estate
investors are aware of eBay’s real estate section. Most see eBay as a
place where items are auctioned. However, while you can auction, that
is not the only option for real estate on eBay. It’s possible to list your
property in their real estate pages for 30 days for a set insertion fee.
When you think of the incredible exposure of such a site as eBay,
you might want to consider this avenue for drawing contacts to your

Online Auctions

Marketing Resource #37: provides a venue
where you can auction your properties or pick up a few choice bargains.
Either way, this site will provide it and the services are free.

If an auction is in your game plan, there are sites that provide
such venues. Of course you can use the auction aspect of eBay, or you
can try Bid4Assets.

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