Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

a small part of the Web 2.0 scene. Many books have been written about
social networking, but there is no way to exhaust the subject.
Social networking is not advertising in the strictest sense but,
when it is understood and utilized correctly, it can result in a ton of fresh
leads to your website.

How It Works
In order to make this clearer, let’s compare it to a brick-and-
mortar business. Say you own a shop on Main Street and the advertising
you invest in includes such things as ads in the newspaper and on the
local radio station, and a big ad in the local yellow pages. But you also
attend every Chamber of Commerce function and there you mingle,
shake hands, get to know the folks and hand out as many business cards
as you can. That is comparable offline to what social networking is
Much of what you see on such sites such as Facebook and
MySpace is hodge-podge and very sporadic. However, if done
intentionally and purposefully (in order to build your leads list) it can be
very beneficial for business.
While Facebook and MySpace were created prodominately for
family and friends, they can still be utilized for the express purpose of
promoting and showcasing your business and your talents and abilities—
and the service you offer—in the field of real estate investing. No fees
here—creating a profile is all free!

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