Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

seriously consider. What a great way to have your personality come
across in a big way! As with many of the other technology-driven media
marketing ideas, there are services to make this process simple and easy
to follow.
While there are a number of avenues you can take to make this
happen, BlipTV is probably the best.

As you can clearly see, the avenues, methods, and techniques for
expanding your online presence are virtually endless. As you begin to
incorporate more and more of these ideas into your marketing plan, you
will soon have leads pouring in—more leads than you’ll know what to
do with. (But to learn exactly what to do with them, see Chapter 11.)
In the next chapter, we’ll talk about your offline marketing plan and you
get a in-depth perspective of how the two—your online and your offline
marketing—can and should mesh together.

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