Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

Marketing Resource #74: At you’ll find a site
that offers a wealth of marketing tools, only one of which is direct mail
services. (Look for “Postcard Marketing” under “Marketing Services”

Direct Mail is Alive and Well
If you are one who thought that direct mailing was dead, think
again. People still respond to pieces sent in the mail, especially if it is
targeted specifically to their needs. However, do your research and enter
into this marketing venue with great wisdom and more than a little
restraint. You can throw away a lot of money quickly if this isn’t done
If direct mail isn't part of your marketing mix, it may be time to
re-evaluate. Direct mail allows you to target a specified group of
prospects with personalized greetings and offerings. Direct mail allows
you to control the quantities and costs of the mailing. It can be an
economic advertising medium for those working on a tight budget.

Start Small
If you aren’t really convinced of the viability of direct sales, why
not take a small gamble and see if you can prove yourself wrong? A
small, carefully crafted and targeted mailing can be an effective way to
test the waters. The return on a small to medium-sized mailing can
predict the results of a larger, more extensive mailing. If you get a

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