Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

List Testing
List testing can teach you a lot about your customer base. A
variety of offers can be sent to names from a single list. Conversely, a
solitary proposition can be offered to names gathered from multiple lists.
These tests will give you a clear and accurate accounting of who your
best prospects are.

Quantifying Results
When introducing a new property, you will want to be able to
measure the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign. It's easy to
analyze the success of a direct mail effort, print, broadcast or online ad.
You can measure the cost of your investment against the return.
Direct mail pieces are really targeted advertisements delivered
directly to recipient's mailboxes. The success of your mailing is
indicated by the initial flurry of first-time customers you gain as well as
the number of customers who return again and again.

Yellow Pages

Marketing Resource #75: A nice display
ad in the Yellow Pages is not cheap by any means. However, because it
is in place for an entire year, it’s one of those “set it and forget it” type
of ads.

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