Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1
Chamber of Commerce

Marketing Resource #82: Check out your local Chamber of
Commerce at Join the Chamber if
possible, and become an active, involved member. At the very least, get
a schedule of the Chamber’s activities and attend as many functions as
you can. Most Chambers hold regular meetings and get-togethers such
as business fairs. Some sponsor small business network groups that
meet weekly for lunch or breakfast.

What a great opportunity to “meet and greet” those in your
community! Keep in mind that most everyone, sooner or later, is either
buying a home or selling one—or they know someone who is. When
you’re out among the people, it increases your chances to find the deals.


Marketing Resource #83:
Marketing Resource #84:

In this day of high tech few people even think of how effective a
flyer can be. However, five hundred or a thousand brightly colored
flyers delivered to homes in a carefully selected neighborhood can reap

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