Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

A Business Card is Your Representative
When attending networking events, always make sure you have a
fistful of business cards. They aren’t doing you any good in the box in
your desk drawer. Get them out into people’s hands.
You may start out with inexpensive (or free) business cards;
however, as soon as you can afford it, invest in cards that are
professionally designed and printed. That card is your representative.
Make it work effectively!
One other note about business cards—use the back of the card.
Why waste that empty space? The back of your card can work like a
tiny billboard. Get specific about the benefits of your services and make
them known.
If pennies are still scarce and you are just starting out, you may
want to check out where you can get a box of
“starter” business cards for free by using one of their templates.


Marketing Resource #87: offers a wide variety
of templates under the “real estate” theme to create personalized
letterhead and thank you cards. Or, use their resources to create your
own design.

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