Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

River the new Egyptian imperial frontier, Muwatallis was
compelled to defend his realm. He fought Ramesses II at
KADESH, modern Syria, near Lake Homs, and the outcome
was indecisive, although both sides claimed victory. The
tensions and campaigns continued throughout his reign.
Muwatallis was succeeded on the Hittite throne by his
son, Mursilis III (Urshi-Teshub). Hattusilis, another son
of Muwatallis, revolted and took the throne.

Muyet(fl. 21st century B.C.E.)Very young royal female
of the Eleventh Dynasty
She was a member of the court in the reign of MON-
TUHOTEP II(2061–2010 B.C.E.). Muyet was only five years
old when she died and was buried in a tomb provided for
her in the vast mortuary complex at DEIR EL-BAHRI. She
was buried with five necklaces of great beauty and value.
Her limestone sarcophagus did not proclaim her actual
status, and it is assumed that she was a princess of the
line or an intended bride of the ruler.

Mycerinus See MENKAURÉ.

myrrh Called antiby the ancient Egyptians, the aro-
matic plant was brought to Egypt from PUNT. The trees
were planted on temple grounds, and the gum resin prod-
uct of the plant was used in rituals as incense and as a
perfume for the gods, available in several forms.

Mysteries of Osiris and Isis A series of so-called
miracle plays staged at ABYDOSat certain times of the
year, the mysteries were performed in conjunction with
festivals honoring OSIRISand ISISand were popular in all
historical periods. The plays depicted the life, death,
mummification, resurrection, and celestial enthronement
of Osiris, as well as the faithful services of Isis. Special
chapels were erected for the mysteries at DENDEREH, ESNA,
EDFUand PHILAE. Similar productions were staged solely
for Isis in some eras.

Mysteries of Osiris and Isis 2 59
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