Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

He killed her within a year and was slain by an irate
Alexandrian mob.

Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysius (Auletes)(d. 51 B.C.E.)
Twelfth ruler of the Ptolemaic Period
He reigned from 88 to 58 B.C.E. and from 55 B.C.E. until
his death. The son of PTOLEMY IX SOTER IIby a concubine,
he was called Neos Dionysius, “the New Dionysius” or
Nothos, “the Bastard.” His lasting nickname was Auletes,
“the Flute Player.” He was the father of CLEOPATRA VII.
Ptolemy XII built at DENDEREHand EDFUand refur-
bished PHILAE. Much of his life had been spent in the
court of Mithridates VI of Pontus at Sinope. When
PTOLEMY XI ALEXANDER IIdied, he was recalled to Egypt.
In 58 B.C.E., Ptolemy XII had to leave Egypt because of
his unpopular rule. He was restored by the Roman gen-
eral Gabinus through the intercession of POMPEY the
Great in 55 B.C.E. RABIRIUS POSTUMOUSsubsequently han-
dled Ptolemy XII’s affairs as a safeguard for Rome’s inter-
ests. Ptolemy XII’s will was deposited in Rome’s public
treasury and as a result, Pompey became the guardian of
Egypt in 49 B.C.E. Ptolemy XII married his sister, CLEOPA-
TRA(6) TRYPHAINA. More than 100 leading Alexandrian
scholars went to Rome to protest Ptolemy XII’s reinstate-
ment and his reign. He was listed in the temple of KOM

Ptolemy XIII(d. 47 B.C.E.)Coruler with Cleopatra VII
and a victim of the war with Julius Caesar
The son of PTOLEMY XII NEOS DIONYSUS and possibly
CLEOPATRA(6) TRYPHAINA, Ptolemy XIII had to share royal
powers with his sister, starting their joint reign in 51
B.C.E. His court advisers, however, fostered his ambitions,
and he forced CLEOPATRA VII to flee from ALEXANDRIA.
POMPEYwas named his guardian as a result. The war
between Pompey and Julius CAESAR, however, interrupted
this guardianship. When Pompey, fleeing from Caesar,
landed in Egypt, he was slain by Ptolemy XIII’s agents,
hoping to have the victorious Caesar as an ally.
He was forced to join his army in the desert near
Alexandria, however, when Caesar ruled in favor of
Cleopatra VII’s claims, joined in time by ARSINOE(4), his
sister. Arsinoe complicated matters by murdering
ACHILLAS, the military general who might have directed
Egypt’s forces with skill. Ptolemy XIII also faced addi-
tional armies when an ally of Caesar arrived with fresh
troops. He died by drowning after an attempt to ambush
Caesar failed. A shrine at KOM OMBOdepicts him in vari-
ous acts of worship. He also built in PHILAE.

Ptolemy XIV(d. 44 B.C.E.) Ruler of the Ptolemaic
Period, sharing the throne with Cleopatra VII
He was a coruler starting in 47 B.C.E. When PTOLEMY XIII
died fighting the Romans, Ptolemy XIV, a younger
brother of CLEOPATRA VII, was elevated to consort and

coregent status, a nominal position only, as Cleopatra VII
was carrying Caesar’s child. The assassination of Julius
CAESARalarmed Cleopatra VII, and she had Ptolemy XIV
slain. No monuments from his brief reign survived.

Ptolemy XV Caesarion (Iwopaneftjer entynehem
Setepenptah Irma’atenré’ Sekhemankhamun)(d. 30
B.C.E.)Coruler of the Ptolemaic Period
The son of CLEOPATRA VIIand Julius CAESAR, Ptolemy XV
started his reign in 44 B.C.E. Although he was only a
child, he was raised to the throne to protect him. Ptolemy
XIV, who had been coruler with Cleopatra VII, had been
slain to make room for him.
Called Caesarion, his throne name meant “Heir of
the Living God, the Chosen One of PTAH, Living the Rule
of RÉ, the Living Image of AMUN.” He was depicted with
his mother on the wall of the temple of DENDEREHas
being offered to the gods. The Roman Senate in 42 B.C.E.
sponsored Ptolemy XV’s elevation to the throne. He wit-
nessed the disastrous battle of ACTIUMand the death of
Cleopatra VII and Marc ANTONYand then was executed
by the Romans, reportedly a death ordered by AUGUSTUS
(Octavian) at the urging of Aeries Didymos, Ptolemy XV’s
former tutor.

Ptolemy Apion(d. 96 B.C.E.) Prince of the Ptolemaic
He was the bastard son of PTOLEMY VIII EUERGETES II
(170–163, 145–116 B.C.E.). Ptolemy became the governor
of CYPRUSand ruled there until his death in 96 B.C.E.

Ptolemy Magas(fl. third century B.C.E.) Prince of the
Ptolemaic Period
He was the son of BERENICE(1)and stepson of PTOLEMY I
SOTER (304–284 B.C.E.). When Ptolemy I married
Berenice (1), Ptolemy Magas was made the governor of
CYRENE. His daughter was BERENICE(3), and she married

Ptolemy Philadelphos (fl. first century B.C.E.)Prince
of the Ptolemaic Period
He was the son of CLEOPATRA VII(51–30 B.C.E.) and Marc
ANTONY. The youngest child of this pair, Ptolemy
Philadelphos was made the ruler of Asia Minor and Syria.
The deaths of his parents ended his powers.

Punt It was an unidentified land believed to have been
located in eastern Sudan or Eritrea, and important in all
eras of Egypt as a trade resource. The Egyptians reached
Punt by going through the BITTER LAKESin the eastern
Delta to the Red Sea or by going through the WADI HAM-
MAMATon the KOPTOSRoad to the city of KUSERon the
Red Sea. Kuser was provided with shipbuilding facilities,
and expeditionary fleets were outfitted for journeys to
Punt in this city.

318 Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysius
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